Home Forums PSM1 Exam Questions and Awnsers The Development Team has completed all planned Sprint Backlog items before the end of the Sprint. What should they do next?

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  • #27169
    Scrum Revolution

    The Development Team has completed all planned Sprint Backlog items before the end of the Sprint. What should they do next?


    A. Start working on additional items not originally planned for the Sprint

    B. Begin the next Sprint early to take advantage of the extra time

    C. Collaborate with the Product Owner to review and potentially pull in more items from the Product Backlog

    D. Take time off and wait until the next Sprint Planning to start new work


    Correct Answer: C

    If the Development Team completes all planned Sprint Backlog items before the end of the Sprint, they should collaborate with the Product Owner to review the Product Backlog and consider pulling in additional items. The objective is to maximize value and work on items that can be completed within the Sprint time-box


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