Home Forums PSM1 Exam Questions and Awnsers Which statement best describes the relationship between the Sprint Goal and the Definition of Done?

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    Scrum Revolution

    Which statement best describes the relationship between the Sprint Goal and the Definition of Done?


    A. The Sprint Goal is derived from the Definition of Done and represents its key objectives

    B. The Definition of Done is defined during Sprint Planning to support the Sprint Goal

    C. The Sprint Goal and the Definition of Done are unrelated concepts in Scrum

    D. The Definition of Done is used to validate whether the Sprint Goal has been met


    Correct Answer: A

    The Sprint Goal is a short statement that describes the purpose of the Sprint and what the Development Team aims to achieve. The Definition of Done (DoD) represents the criteria that must be met for a Product Backlog item to be considered “Done.” The Sprint Goal is derived from the DoD as it describes what will be accomplished during the Sprint and what will meet the DoD


    Want to learn more about the Definition of “Done”? Read our Blogpost! https://scrumrevolution.com/whats-the-deal-with-done/

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