Home Forums PSM1 Exam Questions and Awnsers Which THREE of the following are correct about Product Owners?

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  • #26660
    Scrum Revolution

    Which THREE of the following are correct about Product Owners?


    A. They prioritize the work items in the Sprint Backlog

    B. They are accountable for all changes to the Product Backlog

    C. All items on the Product Backlog are created by them

    D. They own the Product Backlog

    E. They are accountable for engaging stakeholders

    F. They participate in Daily Scrums


    Correct Answer: B,D,E

    The Product Owner is accountable for all changes to the Product Backlog but not all Product Backlog items have to be created by the Product owner. The Product owner does own the Product Backlog, Prioritizes Product Backlog items and is accountable for engaging with stakeholders and conveying their wishes into the Product Backlog. The Daily Scrum and Sprint Backlog belong to the Developers so the Product Owner does not participate in them.

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