Forum Replies Created

How much time should be spent carrying out Product Backlog refinement?

How much time should be spent carrying out Product Backlog refinement? A. No more than 10% of the capacity of the DevelopersB. Up to 10% of the capacity of the Developers in a typical Sprint, but as m...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Which statements are correct about scope during a Sprint? (Select 2 answers)

Which statements are correct about scope during a Sprint? (Select 2 answers) A. Developers focus on finishing all the Sprint Backlog items as agreed in Sprint PlanningB. The Sprint Goal emerges as the...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Relationships between the Product Owner and Developers have been tense for many Sprints.

Relationships between the Product Owner and Developers have been tense for many Sprints. The Product Owner has lost trust and respect for the Developers as they constantly fail to achieve the Sprint G...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
When developing software, the Definition of “Done” must include testing

When developing software, the Definition of “Done” must include testing A. TrueB. False Correct Answer: A If we do not test, how can we know the product is usable and has the required level of quality...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Successful use of Scrum depends on people behaving and acting in accordance with the Scrum Values. What might happen if the level of openness reduces? (Select all that apply)

Successful use of Scrum depends on people behaving and acting in accordance with the Scrum Values. What might happen if the level of openness reduces? (Select all that apply) A. Collaboration may bec...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
you join a new Scrum Team as a Scrum Master. Up until now, the Product Owner has not been attending Sprint Retrospectives. The Developers fear they will become “too negative” with the Product Owner present.

you join a new Scrum Team as a Scrum Master. Up until now, the Product Owner has not been attending Sprint Retrospectives. The Developers fear they will become “too negative” with the Product Owner pr...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Your organization requires all releases to pass user acceptance testing (UAT) before they are deployed to production.

Your organization requires all releases to pass user acceptance testing (UAT) before they are deployed to production. The only people who do the UAT testing are subject matter experts (SMEs) external ...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Using Scrum ensures that all resources on a project will be utilized in the most efficient way.

Using Scrum ensures that all resources on a project will be utilized in the most efficient way. A. TrueB. False Correct Answer: B Scrum is about value delivery. Sometimes it is necessary to de-optimis...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Over the course of several Sprints, the relationship between the Product Owner and the Developers has worsened.

Over the course of several Sprints, the relationship between the Product Owner and the Developers has worsened. The Developers are upset with the Product Owner for the constantly changing requirements...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Which statements are true about early customer feedback? (select 2 answers)

Which statements are true about early customer feedback? (select 2 answers) A. Early feedback offers no significant benefitsB. Early Feedback reduces costs because it decreases the amount of time need...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Successful use of Scrum depends on how well people behave and act in ways that reflect the Scrum values. What can the value of openness affect?

Successful use of Scrum depends on how well people behave and act in ways that reflect theScrum values. What can the value of openness affect? A. Collaboration effortsB. Level of product qualityC. Tea...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
Which three statements best describe the purpose of having a Definition of Done? (Choose three)

Which three statements best describe the purpose of having a Definition of Done? (Choose three) A. It is a checklist to monitor the Development Team member’s progress on a taskB. It provides guidance ...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
A Scrum Team has requested a hardening Sprint to integrate the work produced in previous Sprints and test before releasing. What three scenarios has likely occurred? (Choose three)

A Scrum Team has requested a hardening Sprint to integrate the work produced in previousSprints and test before releasing. What three scenarios has likely occurred? (Choose three) A. The team’s Defini...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
What would be two boundaries, defined in Scrum, that give guidance for teams to effectively self organize? (Choose two)

What would be two boundaries, defined in Scrum, that give guidance for teams to effectively self organize? (Choose two) A. Timeboxing the events in Scrum to allow for regular inspection and adaptation...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
A Scrum Team has been working on a product for several iterations and has an average velocity of 55 units of ‘done’ work per Sprint. A second team will be added to work on the same product. What might be the impact on the original team?

A Scrum Team has been working on a product for several iterations and has an average velocity of 55 units of ‘done’ work per Sprint. A second team will be added to work on the same product. What migh...

In forum PSM2 Questions with Answers

7 months ago
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